Month: July, 2013

Man Forgives, Calls Wife 'Godly Person' After She Plotted to Murder Him

Months after his wife Julia Merfeld, 21, unsuccessfully plotted to murder him in cold-blood because it was “easier than divorcing

Infanticide; The Old Barbarism is New Again

Earlier this year the word “infanticide” wormed its way into the national consciousness. A video surfaced of Planned Parenthood spokesperson

Pat Robertson Tells Viewer to Exorcise or Move From House Haunted by Demons

Popular televangelist Pat Robertson says he doesn’t believe in ghosts but when a CBN viewer asked him for advice on

A&M Freshman Killed: College Football Players Polo Manukainiu, Gaius Vaenuku Killed in Car Crash (VIDEO)

A Texas A&M freshman and a Utah football player friend have been killed in a car crash in New Mexico,

Obama Condemns the Growing Income Inequality Occurring Under His Watch

In the fifth year of the Obama presidency, America’s middle class continues to suffer while the rich are gaining, President

Why a Believer Shouldn't Marry an Unbeliever

If you are a believer and you are already married to someone who is an unbeliever, God’s Word tells you

Penn. Lawsuit Seeks to Stop County From Issuing Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

A lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania Tuesday seeks to stop one county from continuing to violate state law by issuing marriage

For-Profit Corporations Don't Have Religious Freedom, Court Rules

For-profit corporations do not have religious freedom protections, a three judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the

Music to Our Ears

The Bible refers to the second coming of Christ many times, from Genesis to Revelation. It is mentioned 1,800 times

Ex-Gay Community Lobbies Congress for Recognition, Protection From Discrimination

Members of the ex-gay community will be on Capitol Hill Wednesday to lobby their congressional representatives for recognition of former

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