Date: August 31, 2013

Breadwinner Moms: What Is the Media Celebrating?

When does bad news get trumpeted as “good news”? When a set of facts doesn’t fit the prevailing feminist narrative.

Nurses to Administer Abortions in First 12 Weeks Under New California Bill

California’s Assembly and Senate have passed a bill that would enable non-physicians, including nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician

What Do You Live For?

I saw an advertisement in a computer magazine with a photo of a guy shaving. It asked the question “Is

San Antonio 'Non-Discrimination' Ordinance Would Discriminate Against Christians, Argue Christian Leaders

A group of mostly black and Latino Christian leaders have led efforts this week to oppose San Antonio’s proposed “non-discrimination”

No City of Man Without City of God

When President Ronald Reagan spoke to the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Dallas, Texas, on Aug. 23, 1984, he stressed the

Obama on Syria Air Strikes: US Wants to Show Syrians 'International Community Cares'

President Barack Obama made his case for the use of force Friday, arguing that the Syria and the world must

'War-weary' Obama Says America Must Hold Syria to Account; US Bishop Warns Against Armed Intervention

President Barack Obama Friday said it is America’s obligation to hold Syria to account for reportedly using chemical weapons killing

Climate Change: Evangelical Scientists Say Limbaugh Wrong, Faith and Science Compliment One Another

Rush Limbaugh doesn’t think we exist. In other words that evangelical scientists cannot subscribe to the evidence of global warming

Building Black Wealth Will Require Policy Changes

One potential benefit that can come from last week’s March on Washington 2013, which commemorated the 1963 civil rights event,

Walking Shark Video Goes Viral; New Species Found in Indonesia (PHOTO)

A new species of walking shark has been found in the reefs of Indonesia, according to reports out this week.

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