Date: October 2, 2013

Muslim-Born Man Testifies: 'I've Never Seen This Type of Love Before' After Church Unites to Save His Local Business

A Kansas gas station owner has expressed his gratitude to local church members for their business after they rallied together

Allegedly Anti-Religious Courses Will Be Reviewed, Says Ind. University Letter to Intelligent Design Group

A university in Indiana has sent a letter to a Washington state-based intelligent design group stating that it will be

Papa Lin's Extreme Workout; Jeremy Lin Schooled?

Prop 8 Attorneys Take on Virginia's Same-Sex Marriage Amendment

The legal team who took on California’s same-sex marriage ban will now try to overturn the constitutional amendment prohibiting gay

NYC Opera Bankruptcy: Opera Company Closes Doors After $7 Million Campaign Falls Short

NYC Opera will file for bankruptcy, it was confirmed on Tuesday. After seven decades delighting opera-goers the popular New York

Biker Left in Coma With Crushed Spine was Trying to Help Friend When SUV Driver Ran Him Over in Highway Brawl, Says Wife

The distraught wife of Edwin Mieses Jr., 32, a pastor’s son who was crippled by a scared SUV driver, Alexian

Grand Theft Auto Servers Face Problems: GTA V Online Release Date Demand Overloads Servers

Grand Theft Auto Servers have struggled to cope with the surge of demand as GTA V online was released this

Jeremy Lin Movie Contest Includes 'Reenact a #Linsanity Moment' in Video, Photos, Art

Why Are So Many Christians Leaving the Girl Scouts?

The steady decline in youth and adult participation in Girl Scouts is at least in part attributed to sex education

Washington Has It Backward on Defunding ObamaCare

Defunding ObamaCare does not really require an active decision by the U.S. House of Representatives. It is the default option—as

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