Date: October 2, 2013

Nigeria: Where Jihad and Christian Persecution Run Rampant

Many around the world were recently made aware—got a small glimpse—of the Islamic jihad that plagues northern Nigeria, at the

Shut Lady Gov't Down and Then Re-open Parts We Actually Need

I am not the least bit concerned about the federal government shutdown. My worry is that it might open back

Does Grace Make You Lazy?

My new book, One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World, comes out Oct. 1. It is, without question,


Evangelism + Discipleship = Evange-cipleship. Okay, the word is kind of corny but it communicates my point. And what

Some Thoughts on Pope Francis

It’s another week and thus another interview with Pope Francis. This one, I’m sorry to say, is more than just

7 Responses to Prevent Pastor Burnout

In my recent blog post, I noted seven reasons pastors burn out. I was delighted to receive a full response

Pornography: The Addiction No One Wants to Talk About

When confronting the scourge of pornography, maybe a little seeing is believing. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously

Words for the Weary

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not

Ex-Gay Awareness Event Gathers Former Homosexuals to Proclaim Sexual Self-Determination Freedom

Following the June closing of Exodus International, other groups promoting those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction are taking

A Calamity That Threatens to Blight North Carolina's History

North Carolina has an interesting history with alcohol. Most folks who know anything about the Tar Heel state have

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