Date: October 23, 2013

The Whole Counsel of God

When I speak I try to keep it interesting. I try to keep it real. I try to keep it

Ja Rule: Hillsong NYC Helped Me Accept God

Hip-hop artist and actor Ja Rule said in a recent interview with HuffPost Live that Hillsong Church NYC’s “come as

Mark Driscoll's Books 'Confiscated' at Strange Fire Conference? Video Shows Mars Hill Church Pastor Offering 'Resurgence' Copies as 'Gift'

A video has emerged of Mars Hill Church Pastor Mark Driscoll offering copies of his new book, A Call to

Kedric Golston's Christian Commitment

A Struggling Family's Gift From the Church

Adopting an Older Child

Duck Dynasty Beardless Brother, Alan Robertson, Shows Off New Beard on 700 Club (PHOTO)

The Duck Dynasty’s famously-nicknamed “Beardless Brother,” Alan Robertson, surprised his 700 Club host, Terry Meeuwsen, earlier this week when he

Abortion and Murder's Eroding Distinction

Last week, two brutal stories brought to light the fine and tenuous line our culture maintains between legalized abortion and

Obama's Jihad on Christian 'Marys'

Who is more deserving of punishment by the United States? Millions of Egyptians, for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood?

What Entrepreneurs Could Teach Obama

It’s official: the Obamacare rollout was an unmitigated, absurdly expensive disaster. When even the administration’s biggest fans in the media

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