Date: November 13, 2013

US Christians Impacting the Church and the World (Part 1)

There are countless Christians of great influence, passion and creativity who serve as CEOs, ministry leaders, nonprofit founders, pastors, evangelists

Loss of Medical Care Leads to Unsympathetic Apology

In Law and Order re-runs after some tragedy has occurred, prior to grilling the victim’s family the police officer quickly

The Grand Ole Party: A House Divided

It has been said that success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan. Not so in the current political

NFL Bullying: Tough Love or Liberal Bashing?

Sporting the most ironic name in NFL history, Miami Dolphin Richie Incognito purportedly bullying a fellow 320-pound lineman should give

Panetta Passes the Buck

Co-Ed Bathrooms in California High Schools?

A Christian Call For Courage

Billboard or Bible: Atheism's Billboard Evangelism (Pt. 1)

Through their billboards, the atheists are shouting propositions (proposals of ideas or actions about which one must make a decision)

The Holy Spirit, Hispanics, and the Transformation of the American Church (Pt 3)

In parts one and two, I made the case for how Spirit-filled Hispanics are revitalizing and refocusing the traditional American

Rick Warren Shares 5 Things Needed for Revival to Happen in America

Pastor Rick Warren, whose best-selling books include The Purpose Driven Church, recently talked about what he called the “five renewals”

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