Date: November 27, 2013

Study: Pressures of Modern Life Causing Britons to Have Sex Less Than Five Times a Month; More Women Having Sex With Women

Results of a sweeping, once-a-decade poll of 15,000 Britons, show that adults aged 16-44 were having sex less than five

Christian School Threatens to Expel Student Because of Natural Hair

A Florida Christian school has given a 12-year-old student a week decide to cut her hair or leave the school.

Jesus Statue Could Be Erected Near School After ACLU Pressure Sees Jesus Painting Taken Down After 4 Decades

An Ohio lawyer is organizing an effort to erect a statue of Jesus near a local high school, after an

Frugal Until the End, Seattle Lawyer Dies Leaving Entire $187.6 Million Fortune to Charity

Seattle, Washington-based lawyer Jack MacDonald was a coupon-clipping bargain hunter who wore sweaters with holes in them to make people

Federal Government Backs Down on Obstruction of School Choice

In 2008, under the leadership of Governor Bobby Jindal, Louisiana launched an educational scholarship program in New Orleans. The Louisiana

Tim Tebow, Pope Benedict Named on List of Least Influential People

Men’s magazine GQ recently released its list of “The 25 Least Influential People of 2013,” which includes Christian quarterback Tim

The History of the Thanksgiving Holiday

One of my favorite times of year is Thanksgiving. What a great tradition—where we gather together to recount the Lord’s

SC Pastors Opposed to County Proposal to Allow Bars Next to Churches

Pastors in a county in the heart of South Carolina are expressing their opposition to a local government proposal that

Timothy Keller Waxes Poetic About the 'Magic' and Pleasures of Sex in Marriage

NYC megachurch pastor and influential author Timothy Keller was recently asked “why sex outside of marriage is so destructive” and

What I Am Not Thankful For

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for our nation and even our nation’s leaders, but I am not thankful for how

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