Date: November 30, 2013

The Pressing Need to Reform Entitlements

At its current cost trajectory, the Medicare trust fund will run out of money by 2024. Social Security’s trust fund

TBN Founder Paul Crouch Dies at Age 79 After Chronic Heart Problems

Paul Franklin Crouch, co-founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), is dead at age 79, reported his grandson Brandon Crouch on

Should Public Prayers Be Censored by Non-Christian Groups?

Should a clergy’s prayers be subject to censorship if given to solemnize a public meeting? A powerful atheist group,

Tony Perkins, Congress Members Visit Israel to Discuss With Netanyahu About US Nuclear Deal With Iran

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins led seven members of Congress known for their strong ties to evangelical Christians on

Controlling Spouse Assessment and Evaluation

If you feel your spouse controls or dominates you, complete the following self-scoring assessment for insight into your situation. Examine

Are You a Lukewarm Person?

Have you ever eaten something that turned your stomach? This is exactly how Jesus feels about lukewarm people.

India Group Seeks Action on 'Mass Conversion' of Aboriginals to Christianity

An influential aboriginal tribal group in southern India has lodged a formal police complaint seeking penal action against missionaries for

Mike Huckabee's Radio Show Ending Dec 12

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has announced that his radio show, which is heard three hours a day on over

Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton Top Contenders for 2016, New Poll Shows

A new poll has indicated that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may be

Mormon Bishop Disguises Himself as Homeless Man for Service, Told By Some Congregants to Leave

Hoping to challenge his congregation’s beliefs on poverty, a Mormon Bishop transformed himself into a homeless man and loitered outside

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