Month: November, 2013

Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria Ignored

The worst Christian massacre—complete with mass graves, tortured-to-death women and children, and destroyed churches—recently took place in Syria, at the

10 Talking Points For Your Thanksgiving Table

It’s important we remind ourselves of the pertinent facts concerning the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1863 a Christian president, Abraham

'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' Reminiscent of Early Church Martyrs, Christian Reviewers Say

“Catching Fire,” the new sequel to “The Hunger Games,” opened this past weekend. It broke the November box office record

The Patience of God

More than likely, you heard the gospel several times before you trusted Jesus as your Savior. Sometimes even though we

Christ's Lesson of Forgiveness

Compassion for the Caregiver

When You Suspect Adultery

Have Liberals Unfriended Obama?

While liberals have been supportive of President Barack Obama for most of his presidency, that may be starting to change.

Thanksgiving: Was the Real First Thanksgiving in Texas? (Pt. 1)

For most Americans, the first Thanksgiving brings to mind images of pilgrims and Indians, a fierce winter, and hopeful British

Fall of Leadership Symptomatic of Moral Rot

It was heartbreaking to learn that U.S. Rep. Trey Radel, a Tea Party favorite, was in a courtroom last Wednesday

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