Month: November, 2013

West Virginia Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Niece

A West Virginia pastor has been accused of sexually abusing and assaulting his 7-year-old niece.

Did Obama Allude to Gay Relationships in His Thanksgiving Proclamation?

President Barack Obama issued his annual Thanksgiving proclamation on Tuesday, and some people say it contains an allusion to gay

The Dishonest Selling of Obamacare

As we experience more of the unpleasant realities of the Affordable Care Act, Americans are questioning, finally, the forthrightness and

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Pope Francis' Letter as 'Pure Marxism'

Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh attacked Pope Francis’ letter, condemning the pope’s comments on the “new tyranny” of “unfettered capitalism” as

Mexican Man Gets New Grip on Life With First Successful Double Arm Transplant in Latin America (Watch)

Gabriel Granados, 53, suffered a massive electric shock while working at a construction site in 2011 that left him so

Texas Churches to Take Part in Black Friday Alternative 'Bless Friday'

As millions of Americans go to the stores for frenzied shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, a group of Texas

Man Leaves $1,000 Tips – For Jesus!

If you want a new take on all these negative tip stories dominating the news these days, follow “TipsforJesus” on

Man Accused of Keeping 3 Women as Slaves Claimed He Was Christ

A British man who has been accused of keeping three women as slaves, reportedly claimed he was Jesus to his

Book of Psalms From 17th Century Sells for $14.2 Million, Sets Record for Printed Book

A book of Psalms, dating back from 1640, has sold for $14.2 million on Tuesday and is believed to have

'Baby Girl Don't Die'; Mother Mistakenly Shoots Only Daughter Thinking It Was Her Threatening Younger Boyfriend Banging on Door

It was “a f–ked up accident” a grieving Adele Bing, 52, reportedly told police after she was arrested for killing

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