Month: November, 2013

Eagle Deaths: Wind Farm Duke Energy Renewables Fined $1M for Eagle Deaths in Wyoming

A U.S. energy supplier has agreed to pay a fine of $1 over the deaths of 14 eagles and more

Eagle Deaths: Wind Farm Fined $1M for 14 Eagle Deaths in Wyoming

A US energy supplier has agreed to pay a fine of $1 over the deaths of 14 eagles in the

Black Widows in Grapes: Venomous Spiders Found in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota

Black widows have been found in numerous packs of grapes across America recently, in an alarming development. Supermarkets in Michigan,

'Left Behind' Movie Releases New Poster

The “Left Behind” movie’s Facebook page released the film’s official poster earlier this week. The movie, unlike its previous film

Evangelizing Christians in El Salvador Required to Show Gangs ID to Verify They're Not Police, or Else Risk Being Killed

Christians who evangelize in some of El Salvador’s most dangerous areas pose a threat to gang members who ambush them

Christian College Considering Allowing Faculty Members to Be in Same-Sex Relationships

A Virginia Christian college is considering reversing its policy that current bans tenure-line faculty members from pursuing same-sex relationships.

Atheist Tells Fox News' Megyn Kelly He's Proud of Ending 2 Schools' Operation Christmas Child Programs

Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association (AHA), which effectively stopped two schools from participating in Operation Christmas

Church Settles Case After 13-Year-Old Oklahoma Girl Raped In Stairwell

An Oklahoma mother who sued a mega-church last year after her then-13-year-old daughter was raped on church property by the

Liberty University Students Describe Day After Shooting Incident

It’s been a “somber” and “introspective” week for Liberty University.

Liberty Students Describe Day After Shooting Incident

It’s been a “somber” and “introspective” week for Liberty University.

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