Month: November, 2013

London-based 'Atheist Church' Launches New Congregation in Nashville

Sunday Assembly, a godless church, founded by two British comedians that meet to hear “great talks, sing songs and celebrate

Father Calls Cops to Teach 19-Y-O Son Who Stole His Car a Lesson, Police Shoot Teen Dead (Video)

A 19-year-old teenager, who stole a truck that was in his father’s care because he refused to buy him cigarettes,

Messianic Jewish Group Stirs Controversy Announcing George W. Bush as Speaker at Annual Banquet, Then Removes President from Event Page

A Messianic Jewish organization that is scheduled to have former President George W. Bush speak at its annual banquet has

Do Libertarians Need God? Apologist Says Theism Necessary for Freedom, Human Rights

The ideas behind individual freedom, personal responsibility, and basic human rights require something more than materialism, a Christian scholar argued.

'I am Sorry;' President Obama Apologizes for Health Insurance Cancellations Caused by Obamacare

President Barack Obama cried mea culpa Thursday for the problematic rollout of Obamacare and the cancellation of insurance policies he

Watch Billy Graham's 'The Cross' Message Featuring Lecrae, Lacey Sturm

Global evangelist the Rev. Billy Graham’s possible final message to America premiered last night on Fox News, while the Christian

Christian Filipinos Lean on Prayer Amid Most Destructive Super Typhoon Storm Ever to Hit Philippines

The Pacific super typhoon storm known as Haiyan continues to sweep through the Philippines as of Friday morning with wind

Teachers Union Investigates Jewish Dad Who Complained About Liberal Bias

Josh Barry, of Camp Hill, Penn., wants to know why the president of the local teacher’s union thinks he’s a

Immigration Reform Will Deter Human Trafficking, Not Increase It

Recently, Christian author Kelly Monroe Kullberg spoke on a radio program about immigration policy, critiquing the Senate’s bipartisan immigration reform

College: A Cultural and Intellectual Indictment

Earlier this week I wrote a short piece about the impact of mockery and stigma on kids’ beliefs that contained

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