Month: November, 2013

Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Constitutionality of NY Town's Public Prayers

The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on whether or not the sectarian prayers offered at a New

Worried About Witchy Teens

Joseph Prince Tours America

The Power of Putin

'White Male Club': Military Manual Claims They Have Unfair Advantage

A controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that “healthy, white, heterosexual,

Mosaix 2013: Growing Multi-Ethnic Congregations That Reflect Unity, Diversity of God's People

More than 900 church leaders and planters will be in Long Beach, Calif., this week to attend the Mosaix 2013

Christmas Shopping Season Begins a Month Early With Walmart, Amazon Offering Deals

Wal-Mart launched numerous online offers as early as Friday, the day Amazon also started a Black Friday deals store and

The Coronation of Ineptitude: How to do the Obama Two-Step

When confronted with the failures of his own administration, President Obama does what any good Chicago politician does; he pleads

Solar Industry Takes on Crony Capitalism in Arizona

A heated battle is taking place in Arizona between the fledgling solar industry and APS, the state’s largest energy

Just in Time

In her book, The Hiding Place, Nazi concentration camp survivor Corrie ten Boom recalls the story of how, as a

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