Date: December 2, 2013

Wealth Inequality in the US Is Much Worse Than People Think; Thin Line Between Lower-Middle Class and Poor

Wealth inequality in the United States is much worse than people think. There is a thin line between the collective

New Orleans Saints vs Seattle Seahawks Live Stream Free: Watch Monday Night Football Online (ESPN TV Schedule, Start Time)

The New Orleans Saints will play the Seattle Seahawks in a massive Monday Night Football game in Week 13 of

Calif. Ex-Stripper Spreads Gospel to Dancers After Enduring Years of Rape, Sexual Abuse

Jaime Hindman is a former stripper who reaches out to women in the sex industry as part of her mission

Are Jews More Open to Jesus? New Study Shows Fewer Jews Ostracizing Messianics

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that over a third of the Jewish community accepts those who

Penn. Church Targets 'Duck Dynasty' Fans, Hunters With 'Camo Sunday' Service

A Pennsylvania church looking to attract new members from the surrounding area recently held a ‘Camo Sunday’ service, which was

After Pope Francis Blesses 'Jesus the Homeless' Artwork, Statue Is Stolen

A statue depicting Jesus as a homeless man that the pope blessed last month, has been stolen from outside a

Supreme Court Rejects Liberty U 'Obamacare' Employer Mandate Challenge; Future Lawsuits Still Possible

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Monday a lawsuit by Liberty University challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s, or

ENDA: With Religious Liberty & Justice for All

Last month, the United States Senate passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), legislation that codifies federal anti-discrimination laws for workers

A Mockery of Poverty: Rich Tourists Paying to Live Like the Poor in 'Luxury Shanty Town' in South Africa Causes Online Uproar

A luxury hotel in South Africa has drawn the ire of the Internet world for offering tourists the chance to

Pope Francis, Israeli PM Discuss Iran, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Pope Francis and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met for a 25-minute closed-door exchange in the Vatican on Monday.

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