Date: December 9, 2013

Catholic Bishops Sued by ACLU for Not Allowing Abortion in Catholic Hospital

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, responded Friday to a lawsuit by the American

The Acapella Version of 'Little Drummer Boy' by Pentatonix That Is Making Even People Who Don't Like Christianity Feel Good

A recently released version of the Christmas carol, “Little Drummer Boy” by acapella singing group Pentatonix, is so good it’s

'Friday' Pop Star Rebecca Black Debuts Viral 'Saturday:' Is Homeschool the Answer to Teen Drama?

Viral music video artist Rebecca Black debut a follow-up to her hit song, moving from “Friday” to “Saturday” this time

Pastor Rides Wild Horse Into Converted Rodeo Arena Sanctuary as Part of Sermon Illustration

An Ohio church configures its sanctuary for horse arena, brings in wild worse, as part of the church’s “Conquer the

Demographic Shift: Where Have All the Christians Gone?

Wes Granberg-Michaelson’s new book seeks to make sense of Christianity’s massive demographic shift and explores the consequences and responsibilities the

New York Satanist Group Seeks Monument Next to Ten Commandments Display in OKC

A Satanic religious group has expressed an interest in erecting a monument next to a Ten Commandments display in Oklahoma

Nelson Mandela Worth Commending Despite Ideological Differences, Say Evangelical and Conservative Christians

Various conservative and evangelical leaders who commended Nelson Mandela’s work to end racism in South Africa have stated that these

With 20 People Being Murdered Every Day, 'Satan Himself Lives in San Pedro,' Says Mortician in World's Most Murderous City

In the busiest morgue in the world’s most murderous city in San Pedro, Honduras, where an average of 20 people

Perez Hilton's Upcoming 'Gay Dads of New York' Show

Hollywood blogger Perez Hilton will star in a new reality TV series that will follow the lives of single and

Time Running Out for Senate to Move on Military Sexual Assault Policy

With only five days remaining on the congressional schedule before legislators depart Capitol Hill for their home states, two competing

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