Date: December 13, 2013

PolitiFact Lie of the Year: Obama's Pledge 'If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It'

Political fact-checking website PolitiFact asked users to rank the top “Lie of the Year” for 2013, and President Obama’s promise

Fla. Church Donates Over 500 Live Christmas Trees to Families in Need After Setting Guinness World Record

A Florida church has set a new Guinness world record for the largest display of lit Christmas trees.

Conservative Groups Call for Military to Cease Using Southern Poverty Law Center Materials

Conservatives have called on the U.S. military to stop using Southern Poverty Law Center materials for certain classes due to

'How to Be a Superhero' Video Shows Teens in Capes Giving Flowers to Elderly Woman, Paying for Others

Two 16-year-olds hitting the streets in tights and capes may sound like a prank or a bad joke, but their

Houston Fitness Expert to Tackle Obesity Across 100 Churches in 2014

Samir Becic, a volunteer that leads fitness classes at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, and an internationally known personal fitness trainer

61-Y-O Preacher Allegedly Raped Sisters for Years Starting When They Were 6 and 7; Claimed Sex Would Exorcise 'Devil Inside Them'

A 61-year-old self-proclaimed Minnesota preacher has been charged with first-degree criminal sexual assault after he allegedly repeatedly raped two sisters

Franklin Graham's Operation Christmas Child Ships Over 60,000 Shoe Boxes to Philippines; Nonprofit Collects 9.8 Million Total

Franklin Graham, president of nonprofit Samaritan’s Purse, joined project organizers, local families and survivors of Hurricane Sandy at one of

School Principal Attacked By Islamists as New Education Policy Takes Effect in Nigeria

Educational reforms in Nigeria’s Osun state have created religious tensions in schools, resulting in Islamist youths beating a Christian principal

United Methodist Bishop Rules That Lesbian's Clergy Candidacy Can Proceed

A United Methodist Church bishop in Texas has ruled that a lesbian’s clergy candidacy in the denomination can proceed, reversing

Analysis: Budget Deal Could Pave Way for Immigration Reform

House passage of the “Ryan-Murray Budget” has cleared a path for immigration reform by making more room on the legislative

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