Date: December 17, 2013

Florida Pastor Tells His Church 'There are Mornings I Wake With a Deep Pain'

Pastors oftentimes endure struggles that are hidden from the people they serve, however, one Florida pastor recently openly shared with Opens New Campus in Moore, Okla.; Reports 3,600 Attend and 70 Accept Jesus at First Worship Services

More than 3,600 people attended’s first worship services at its newest campus in Moore, Okla., and about 70 people

Nearly 2 Dozen Students Arrested on Drug Charges After California Cops Went Back to High School as Undercover 11th Graders

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested nearly two dozen students after seizing an array of illegal drugs such as crack,

'I Don't Need the Money,' Says Man After Winning $40 Million Lottery; Pledges to Give Every Cent to Charity

A Canadian man who won $40 million in his city’s biggest jackpot ever says he is giving it all away

Christian Teens Terrorized by Demon After Bringing 'Dirty Magazine' to Church Lock-In in Anti-Porn Film

A new “found footage” horror film called “The Lock In” from Holy Moly Pictures takes on pornography consumption and addiction

Korean Leader Killing Uncle Reminds Us of Dictator's Brutal Nature

The very public execution of Comrade Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un, reminds us

Here's How to Love Your Friends Who are Suffering (VIDEO)

What’s the difference between sympathy and empathy?

Republicans Versus Conservatives

Given the magnitude of the Obamacare debacle, it’s hard to imagine how Republicans could manage to one-up the dysfunction and

Atheist Symbol Seeks To Overshadow Nativity Scenes

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) placed the big “A” in downtown Chicago. They say the “A” stands for

The Good of Believing In God

Atheism might be in vogue, but it — for sure — hasn’t helped history as much as Christianity. Believing in

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