Date: December 17, 2013

Pastor Accused of Plotting to Murder Wife With Mistress Apologizes for Relationship, Does Not Mention Murder Charge

A Tennessee pastor accused of plotting to murder his wife with his mistress thanked his “wife, children and family” for

John Kerry on His Return to Christian Faith: Suffering Is Part of God's Plan

Sec. of State John Kerry spoke Sunday about losing his faith in God while a soldier in the Vietnam War,

Pastors: Mental Illness and Suicide

It’s not very often we hear such stories about pastors. But these events, which took place within the last five

One Birthmother's Choice

Two little pink lines on December 26th, Merry Christmas everyone. I’m a senior in high school and pregnant. My boyfriend

We Don't Talk About THAT In School!

Are You a Christmas Carol Curmudgeon?

A Big Tip Blessing

Kansas City Royals Pitcher Jeremy Guthrie Plays Catch With Man After Twitter Request for Ball Partner

A Kansas man had the opportunity to play catch with a professional baseball player last week after the Kansas City

See the Baby Girl Who Wasn't Supposed to Live, But Became a Medical Miracle (VIDEO)

Meghan Pacyna was born less than a pound and given a 10% chance to live.

This Awe-Inspiring Time-Lapse of the Aurora Borealis Shows God's Glory in the Sky (VIDEO)

A beautiful and inventive video of God’s glorious creation.

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