Month: December, 2013

Top Tips for Dealing with Men Going Through Divorce

We all know God hates divorce – mainly because of the pain that ripples out of it. Still it’s inevitable.

Mother Confronts Woman Who Shot Her in the Face; Shooter Says 'I Asked God to Forgive Me'

Shawna Hunter was just a 17-year-old cashier working to save money for college at Ken’s Cardinal Store in 1992 when

Bible Belt Has Most Sinners, Research Suggests: How Sinful is Your State?

A set of United States maps showing the counties that have the highest concentrations of sin, based on the “Seven

Atheist Group Is Searching for People Who Attempted to Burn Their New Jersey Anti-Christmas Billboard

An atheist group is offering a reward to find the people who were seen attempting to torch one of the

Satan is Leading War on Christmas Through Judges, Pastors and All Sorts of People, Says Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress

Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, says Satan is leading the war on Christmas in

5 Last-Minute Christmas Gifts That Will Bring Your Kids Closer to Jesus

You can get these affordable presents by Christmas AND they’re good for your kiddos.

Educators Criticize Catholic University for Accepting Money From Conservative Koch Brothers

Catholic University of America is defending its decision to accept a $1 million donation from Charles and David Koch after

Thief Steals Credit Cards From Choir Performing in Church to Raise Money for Homeless

A choir had 15 of their credit and debit cards stolen Thursday while they performed at a Washington, D.C. Christmas

Alabama Man Convicted of Rape Wants Plea Deal Altered Because He Found Jesus

An Alabama man who plead guilty to rape is asking that his plea agreement be altered because he says that

Church-Going Family Wakes Up to House Being Shot 30 Times

A Florida family was fast asleep when their house was bombarded with more than 30 rounds of bullets last week.

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