Month: December, 2013

Mike Huckabee: Israel Has 'License' to Act Independently on Iran

Now that the U.S. and other P5+1 powers made an interim nuclear deal with Iran without Israel’s involvement, the Jewish

Pope Francis Prays for Safety and Religious Liberty of Mid-East Christians

During a Mass with Egypt’s Catholic leader, Pope Francis prayed for the safety and religious liberty of Middle East Christians.

Missing at Nelson Mandela's Funeral; Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

I was shocked when I read that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not be attending the funeral of Nelson

Can Eternal Life Be Earned?

Sometimes teenagers decide on a course of action first and ask for input later. And then, if the response is

With Sharia Law De-Emphasized, Egypt Christians Call Draft Constitution a Positive Step

Egypt’s new draft constitution, to be voted on in a national referendum in January, is being hailed for its improvements

Drama Series Based on King David Slated to Be 'Epic Mafia Show in Biblical Clothing'

A new show, “King David,” is currently being developed as a one-hour series drama that will showcase the biblical figure

Christmas Is the Play, Not Politics

The stage for the first Christmas was set by a politician—Caesar Augustus. The backdrop was a political policy: a census

What Is It Like to Be Gay at a Christian College?

Calvin College’s November issue of its student newspaper published seven first-person profiles from students in its LGBT community answering this

7 Reasons Why Church Worship Centers Will Get Smaller

A seismic shift is taking place in American church facilities, a shift that will become even more noticeable in the

Which Way Will You Be Led?

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