Month: December, 2013

Police Save Christmas for Single Mom and Her Special Needs Toddler (VIDEO)

After Austin Hume was robbed of nearly everything, Christmas was sure to be ruined for her and her special needs

Who's Behind the War on Christmas? Watch This Funny Video to Find Out (VIDEO)

Your enemy in the War on Christmas might be snoozing on your couch RIGHT NOW.

An Intimate Look at the Birth of Jesus

Every year around Christmastime, we read the account of Jesus’ birth, but perhaps we’ve let the familiarity of the story

Google 2013 Mash-up Video Goes Viral: Year's Top 10 Searches

Google released a viral 2013 year-in-review video about the year’s top searches and main events last week, featuring a mash-up

God Would Love You to Know Him

When you came into this world, you were born in God’s neighborhood. You can only get into His family, however,

Huckabee Praises Phil Robertson

Cracker Barrel's Duck Disaster

'Tips for Jesus' Encourages Followers to Join #Project Christmas Eve

The person or persons behind the now-famous “Tips for Jesus” Instagram account is encouraging consumers everywhere to join the movement

Warm Your Heart With This Incredibly Adorable Family of Polar Bears Cuddling in the Snow (VIDEO)

This mama polar bear plays and snuggles with her two cute cubs.

5 Photos Jesus Might Have Taken If He Had Instagram

What if Jesus used Instagram? Here are 5 photos that might have been on His feed.

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