Date: January 7, 2014

Satanists Meet $20,000 Goal in Effort to Build Monument for Okla. Capitol That Includes Children Admiring Satan

The New York-based Satanic Temple on Monday submitted its designs for a monument that it aims to have placed at

Liberty v. Ideology: Which Will Prevail?

Those concerned with the preservation of religious liberty in America are keeping a keen eye on the Supreme Court in

Oregon Church, Knights of Columbus Create Pro-Life Display With 500-Plus White Crosses

A Roman Catholic congregation in a small Oregon town has erected a pro-life display featuring over 500 white crosses. Parishioners

Media Consultant Phil Cooke Delivers the Five Commandments for Becoming a Media Savvy Pastor

Media consultant Phil Cooke recently listed five principles for leaders to effectively communicate the Gospel in today’s high-tech social world,

Evangelist Benny Hinn's Return to India for Prayer Conference Sparks Protests, Allegations of 'Hidden Agenda'

Benny Hinn, controversial evangelist known for his “miracle healing crusades,” is one of the main speakers at a Christian Prayer

Christian Rival Claims Frontrunner For NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito Hexed Her With Voodoo Rooster Mural in $1 M Lawsuit

Melissa Mark-Viverito, the woman expected to be voted in as the next New York City Council Speaker on Thursday has

Why is Pope Francis Carrying a Baby Sheep on His Shoulders? (VIDEO)

Learn how did this common farm animal found itself on the back of the popular world leader.

You Won't Believe What This Guy Does to People With a Soccer Ball (VIDEO)

Séan Garnier drives challengers crazy, and crowds love it.

Former Foster Child and Trinity Bible College Student Working as Cracker Barrel Waitress Gets $6,000 Tip to Enroll in School Again

An 18-year-old waitress is heading back to college to work on her youth ministry and psychology degree after receiving a

Body of Pastor Stabbed to Death Discovered Inside His Atlanta Home

An Atlanta pastor’s body covered with stab wounds was discovered in his house by authorities on Sunday.

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