Date: January 13, 2014

Pharmacist Alleges She Tumbled Out of Police Car Because She Was Being Sexually Assaulted; Loses All Her Teeth, Found Undressed From Waist Down

A 27-year-old pharmacist who reportedly lost all her teeth after tumbling out of a moving LAPD squad car last year

W.Va. Water Contamination Crisis: Faith-Based Relief Organizations Promptly Respond to Help

Churches and faith-based organizations immediately responded to the West Virginia chemical spill by gathering drinkable water and other basic needs

Pitbull Plays Hero, Saves Life of His Owner (VIDEO)

Millie Fiser was in serious danger after a man allegedly assaulted her in her yard. Then her pit bull Champ

Ind. Church Gives $83,000 to Congregation in 'Reverse Tithe'

Northview Church, in Carmel, Ind., gave away $83,000 to its congregation, a gift that lead pastor Steve Poe said came

Pope Francis Causes Stir for Baptizing 'Unmarried' Couple's Baby in Sistine Chapel; Tells Mothers It's OK to Breastfeed in Church

Pope Francis got hit with both praise and criticism this past weekend for baptizing the child of parents considered “unmarried”

Pastor Denies Allegations That He Attempted to Set Ex-Girlfriend's House on Fire

A California pastor and three other adults were arrested last week after the quartet allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail into

The Gift of Church: Everyone, Whether Believer or Not, Needs to Belong

Going to church, I’ve learned, is a gift—a gift that teaches us how to give to others. Everyone—every single person

Christians Concerned Over Libya's Sharia Law Decision

Libya’s National Assembly recently voted to make Sharia the foundation of state institutions and all legislation, including the coming constitution.

Pastor Speeds Through 1-Minute Worship Service So He Won't Miss Football Game (VIDEO)

Tim Christensen offered a greeting, sermon, communion and benediction – in less than a minute. You have to see it

Baby Girl Meets Her Daddy's Identical Twin and Her Reaction is Hilariously Priceless (VIDEO)

See what happens when this tot’s world gets turned upside down!

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