Date: January 13, 2014

Supreme Court Schedules Arguments for Hobby Lobby Case

The United States Supreme Court has officially scheduled oral arguments for what many believe will be a landmark case regarding

Pastors: 5 Keys to Building a Highly Responsive Congregation

A Traffic Jam?

The Mainstream Media is hyperventilating over a traffic jam? If only they were as concerned about the gridlock in the

Ariz. Pastor and Legislator Seeks Same-Sex Wedding Opt-Out for Religious Leaders

Ariz. Rep. Steve Montenegro intends to propose legislation that would allow pastors, clergy and rabbis to opt-out of performing same-sex

States and Marriage: The Continuing Story

State attorneys general in the 33 states with laws supporting natural marriage are heaving big sighs of relief. With the

One Nation Under Drugs

Right now, China and Russia are having a great laugh at America’s expense. For a once proud country with strong

'Snake Salvation' Pastor Andrew Hamblin Will Not Get Snakes Back Despite Grand Jury's Exoneration, Say Wildlife Officials

A grand jury in Tennessee has exonerated Pastor Andrew Hamblin, the star of the National Geographic reality show “Snake Salvation,”

Unlikely Conversions

An attorney was trying to deliver an important paper to a man who was determined to avoid him. The man

Glenn Beck, Christine Caine, Michael Reagan Among Notable Speakers at Liberty University's Spring Convocation

Mormon political pundit Glenn Beck, Hillsong pastor and anti-human trafficking activist Christine Caine and the 40th president’s son and conservative

Abstinence 2014: Where'd Everybody Go?

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