Date: January 18, 2014

Christ the Redeemer Struck by Lightning; Amazing Photos Capture Moment

Christ the Redeemer, the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was struck by lightning Thursday night, resulting in some

Huckabee Endorses NC Baptist Pastor Mark Harris in Senate Primary

Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has endorsed Mark Harris, pastor of the 3,000-member First Baptist Church in Charlotte, N.C.,

Obama: Someone Else, Not Gov't, Will Keep Your Private Info

President Barack Obama in a Friday speech addressing his reform proposals for controversial National Security Agency spying programs, announced a

California's Worst Drought in 100 Years: Wildfire Destroys Over 20 Structures

A destructive wildfire raging above foothill suburbs northeast of Los Angeles for two days has damaged at least 20 structures,

Honest Man Finds $40,000 in a Parking Lot, Returns It to Panicking 71-Year-Old Owner (VIDEO)

Brian DiCarlo stumbled upon a fortune, and no one knew it. You’ll be encouraged by this story of integrity.

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