Date: January 20, 2014

Ravi Zacharias: Popular Christian Apologist Speaks to 3,500 at Mormon Temple; Asks Faiths to Oppose 'Lost Morality' Together

Christian apologist and writer Ravi Zacharias addressed 3,500 evangelicals and Mormons at the LDS Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah,

Christian Bakers Who Refused to Bake Wedding Cake for Lesbian Couple Found Guilty of Civil Rights Violation After Gay Activists Forced Shutdown of Shop

Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) announced Friday that their investigators had found that the Christian owners of Gresham

Quack! Earth Needs Men Who Stare at Ducks and Women

The ducks are back. Twenty-two days after global media corporation A&E suspended Phil Robertson for freely speaking his mind on

Judge Rules Against Episcopal Church's Motion Against Breakaway South Carolina Diocese

A District Court judge in South Carolina has ruled against a motion by The Episcopal Church to try and gain

Don't Disrespect the Legacy of Dr. King

More than ever, I am respectful of those who paved the way for our American freedom. As a history buff,

United Methodist Church Sets Date for Trial of Pastor Who Officiated Son's Gay Wedding

A clergyman and former dean at Yale Divinity School will be tried by the United Methodist Church later this year

Girl Scouts: Life, Death and Cookies

Sadly, somewhere along the path of history, the Girl Scouts seem to have lost their way. If you go to

Shot Show: The Last Bastion of Growing Conservatives

Last week, I attended the largest gun and outdoors show in the world; the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show.

Is Prodigal GOP Inching Home?

I’m a Bible-believing Christian first, a conservative second and, sometimes, with rapidly dwindling frequency, a Republican third (but only when

Benghazi Report: We've Been Lied To

Now that the truth has finally surfaced by way of the January 15, 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report, we see

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