Date: January 21, 2014

Church Offers Protection to 700 Muslims Fleeing Christian Militia: 'We Won't Let Christians or Muslims Hurt These People'

A Central African Republic priest has said he will shelter the Muslims and Christians fleeing the Christian militias terrorizing his

GOP Senate Candidate Kathleen Tonn Delivers Message in 'The Holy Ghost and Tongues' to Unsaved Woman in Steam Room to Confuse Satan

Alaskan GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate Kathleen Tonn recently published a video showing her delivering a message in “the

Fading Economic Freedom for the U.S.

For generations, people worldwide who yearn for freedom have looked to the United States. Here, every citizen can speak his

Christian Human Trafficking Rescue Organization Launches Campaign to Stop Men From Participating in Child Sex Slavery

The increase in human trafficking among American children has prompted a faith-based rescue organization to partner with local and national

Cat Performs Extreme Skateboarding Tricks (VIDEO)

Didga amazes passersby with his array of skateboarding stunts. A must see!

Magician Walks on Water to Imitate Jesus and Blows Your Mind! (VIDEO)

YouTube magician Rahat Hossain imitates one of Christ’s most famous miracles to the shock of witnesses. See this crazy magic

John Piper's Post on MLK Day Connects 'Calvinist Racism' and 'King's Alleged Adultery?'

Theologian John Piper used the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day to make a point about questions of racial

Fathers: 7 Ground Rules to Becoming Best Dads Now and in the Future

Absent fathers leave girls and boys without a role model for how the family unit is supposed to work, how

Francis Chan Pop N' Lock: See 'Crazy Love' Outtake Video of Preacher Breakdancing

Francis Chan, former megachurch pastor, popular preacher and author, appears in an old video that has gone viral Tuesday, because

Some Conservatives 'Have No Place in the State of New York' Declares N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo; Sean Hannity Says He Will Leave and Take His Money With Him

If you are conservative Republican against abortion or homosexuality New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) says you have no place

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