Date: January 27, 2014

Are Young Evangelicals Kissing the Culture Wars Goodbye?

“The Religious Right is dead,” proclaim political analysts on both the conservative right and liberal left. Phrases like “Post-Christian America”

Pastor Hosts Christian Radio Show to Counter Church's 'Twitter Theology'

Dr. Randy White, host of a new radio program, “Ask the Theologian,” says the church today is offering a biblically

The Grammys and the Myth of Marriage Equality

In a tribute to “marriage equality,” Sunday night’s Grammy Awards featured the “on-air wedding of [33] couples — gay, straight,

Abortion: The War Against Children

Mother Teresa shared her burden for the unborn, where she humbly asked American women to give “until it hurts” of

MLK: Homosexuality a 'Problem' With a 'Solution'

This past week America honored both the life and noble work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., a Bible-believing

The Fight for Principle Within the GOP

For millions of Americans, politics has lost its meaning. There is growing dissatisfaction with both party organizations. More and more

Noah's Ark 'Original' Was Round, According to 4,000-Year-Old Tablet at British Museum

The British Museum has put on display a 4,000-year-old Cuneiform tablet that recounts specific instructions for building a giant vessel

Christians Are Following Secular Trends in Premarital Sex, Cohabitation Outside of Marriage, Says Dating Site Survey

A new study on Christian attitudes toward dating and marriage reveals a broad acceptance for cohabitation, premarital sex and a

Obama Criminalizes Dissent, Goes After Dinesh D'Souza

It doesn’t appear to be a coincidence that the Obama administration is now targeting D’Souza for minor campaign finance violations.

North Korea Dictator Executes Uncle's Entire Family, Including Children

South Korea’s state news agency has reported that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has executed the entire family of

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