Date: January 31, 2014

Employer Fires Woman Just Hours After Her Doctors Revealed She Needed Time Off for Cancer Treatment; Now She's Suing

S37, an Illinois management company, is now facing the wrath of the public and a lawsuit from one its former

Neurosurgeon Who Walked 6 Miles in Snow to Save Dying Man Said Patient's Survival Was 'Miraculous Event…That's in the Lord's Hands'

Alabama neurosurgeon Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw, 62, who is being widely praised for trekking six miles in snow to perform life-saving

United Methodist Church's Support of 'Evolution Weekend' Questioned

Perhaps hundreds of churches across the United States and abroad plan to participate in an annual observance next month meant

5 Innovative Ideas for School Choice Reforms

Education experts proposed five innovative ideas for reforming K-12 education to free up the system for dynamic growth through the

MSNBC 'Hitting on All 8 Cylinders of Intolerance,' RNC Chair Says After Tweet Accusing Republicans of Racism

Republicans had begun a boycott of MSNBC Thursday night after the company posted a tweet accusing Republicans of racism in

Interview: Greg Laurie on Praying for America, Sharing the Gospel and the Church Under Siege

In an interview with The Christian Post Laurie shares why he has a renewed fervor for sharing the Gospel; speaks

'Evolution Weekend' Organizer Says Ken Ham-Bill Nye Debate Has 'No Intellectual Purpose'

The organizer of the annual “Evolution Weekend” event has stated that he feels the upcoming Bill Nye-Ken Ham debate “serves

What One Follower of Christ Thinks About Universal Health Care

The current American version of Universal Healthcare (UHC), Obamacare, has been the subject of not a little debate. One side

Top Islamic Leader Calls on U.S. to Wage 'Jihad for Allah'

A video of Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi calling on the U.S. government to wage jihad for Allah in Syria, is currently

Cigarette Smoking Kills the Third Marlboro Man

Earlier this week it was reported that, for the third time, a Marlboro Man actor died of a smoking related

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