
Michael Keaton Stars in Movie About Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal; Reveals Catholic School Helped Shape Him as a Person

Actor Michael Keaton has said in an interview that his upcoming movie “Spotlight,” about the Catholic sex abuse scandal in

How to Hear God's Voice and Know His Will

Let me begin by applauding your desire to know God’s will. This is often a sign of spiritual health. God

Gay Marriage Advocate Abby Huntsman, Daughter of Former Republican Presidential Contender Jon Huntsman, Eyeing Political Run? 'Never Say Never'

Abigail “Abby” Huntsman, daughter of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, is eyeing a career in politics.

Kim Kardashian Takes to Twitter on New Year's Eve to Quash Rumors

Before ringing in the New Year, Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to clear up several rumors about her and her

Kate Gosselin: 'Kate Plus 8' Star Now Has a New Boyfriend

Kate Gosselin has a new man in her life.

Bono of U2 Defends Christmas Story in 2014 Recap: 'We Should Be Really Respectful' of Jesus' Birth

Bono, the frontman for U2, took to the band’s website on New Years Day with a comprehensive and alphabetical review

'Tips for Jesus' Gives Record $11K Tip to Arizona Bartender for 2 Bills Totaling $419

The man who’s allegedly behind the generous “Tips for Jesus” Twitter account may have struck again, this time leaving an

'Agent Carter' News: Episode 3 Synopsis Revealed, Hayley Atwell Talks About Her Character

The series premiere of “Agent Carter” is only a few days away, and anticipation for the series is building up

LG G3 Vigor vs HTC Desire 612: Comparison, Specs, Features

Getting entry-level devices from top manufacturers is the way to go to get a good smartphone without the sticker shock.

Why Making a New Year's Resolution Is a Good Idea

The start of a new year is always an opportunity. It is a fresh beginning, a new chapter, another chance

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