
'Once Upon a Time' Season 4 News: Pinocchio Returns, Ernie Hudson Cast as Ursula's Father

“Once Upon a Time” aired its midseason finale last Dec. 14, but when the series returns, fans can expect some

'Days of Our Lives' Cast News, Spoilers of the Week: Christmas Takes Over Salem City, Update on Hope, Aiden, Paul, and More

NBC’s hit daytime soap “Days of Our Lives” is now set to air exciting new episodes for this week of

North Korea Threatens 'Bold Counteraction' on Pentagon, US Mainland in Wake of Sony's 'The Interview' Controversy

The North Korean government issued a statement on Sunday threatening the White House, Pentagon and entire U.S. mainland of “bold

'The Bold and Beautiful' Spoilers of the Week: Deacon and Quinn Heading Off for Vegas, Rick Speeds Up His Plans

The drama on the hit CBS daytime soap “The Bold and Beautiful” is getting more intense and weekly spoiler reports

'The Young and the Restless' Cast News, Spoilers of the Week: Cast Member Suffers Serious Drug Reaction

Longtime “The Young and Restless” actress Melody Thomas Scott recently took to her social media to tell fans about the

iOS 8.2 3rd Beta Rolling Out For Developers News, Details: New Test OS Arrives With WatchKit for Apple Watch

Thursday, Dec. 18, Apple seeded the third beta of iOS 8.2 for developers testing the new platform, according to reports.

'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies' Reviews Rounded Up

After undertaking a rather unexpected journey and enduring the wrath of Smaug, Peter Jackson’s most talked-about adaptation to the popular

I Am No Longer a Republican

I am no longer a Republican. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and their Democrat-lite, RINO Republican establishment have seen to that.

Jewish Scholars Have Historically Looked to Bethlehem

As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, it is interesting to note that Bethlehem has

The Light of the World

The light of Jesus Christ lets people see themselves as they really are: sinners in need of a Savior. When

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