
9-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Molested By Church Bible Study Leader in Florida

A 29 year-old Florida man has been accused of molesting a 9-year-old girl who attended his church.

AP Photo Director Calls Obama White House Image Policy 'Propaganda'

The Associated Press’ (AP) photography director attacked the Obama administration’s policy of denying photo-journalists access to the president, comparing it

Sen. Lindsey Graham to Introduce 20-Week Abortion Ban

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will introduce a bill in the U.S. Senate next week that would ban all abortions after

Birth Control Mandate Is Unlawful, Federal Court Rules

The Affordable Care Act’s, or “Obamacare’s,” birth control mandate “trammels the right of free exercise” of religion for an individual,

Andy Stanley to Launch 'Be Rich' Campaign to TV Audience; Generosity Initiative Expected to Surpass $5 Million

“Be Rich.” If you think this is yet another television preacher’s attempt to convince you to send in a big

'Snake Salvation' Exclusive: Serpent Handling Will Continue Until Christ Returns, Says Ky. Pastor (Part 4)

National Geographic’s “Snake Salvation” has inspired among viewers, including readers of The Christian Post, fascination, repulsion and confusion over the

Samuel Rodriguez to Take on 40 Day Fast for Immigration Reform

In an effort to push comprehensive immigration reform, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), will

Texas Abortion Regs Stand as 5th Circuit Reverses Lower-Court Ruling

Abortion clinics in Texas will have to comply with a new state law that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges

11-Year-Old Syria Refugee Pleads: 'Have the People of the Other World Ever Thought of Syria?'

Syrian refugee children had painful words to share about the state of their country with World Vision President Richard Stearns

Christians Need to Get Their Hands Dirty, Theologian Jordan Ballor Says

While Christians may view themselves as simply travelers in this world, on a path to a greater destination, they should

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