
Pat Robertson Tells Mother 'I Don't Know What You're Doing Wrong' He Can Cure Deafness

Controversial televangelist Pat Robertson recently told a viewer that he has cured deafness through prayer in the past and that

Kanye West Defends Performance Featuring Jesus on Yeezus Tour

Rapper Kanye West has recently defended his artistic decision to have an actor play Jesus Christ during the opening of

New Site Seeks to Harness Social Media to Share Gospel, Testimonies With Millennials

The forthcoming OurWitness site will allow testimonies, God moments, and stories to shared socially and globally.

Pope Francis Reminds Us We Live in an Increasingly Cold World, Catholic Theologian George Weigel Says

One of Pope Francis’ messages is that the world is becoming increasingly cold, not cold in the meteorological sense, but

Requirements of a Godly Influence

Have you ever wondered what God’s human history textbook might look like? Who would appear on its pages as the

It's Always Time for Worship!

Russell Moore: Balancing Church and Politics

Suing the Good Shepherds

Texas Church's Anti-Abortion, Sin-filled Bloody 'Hell House' a Tool for Salvation?

A church in Texas continued its decade-long Halloween-season tradition Wednesday by opening its “hell house” production, a theatrical Christian outreach

Greg Laurie, Host of Pastors, Musicians to Celebrate Life of Pastor Chuck Smith at Memorial Service

A massive public memorial service for Pastor Chuck Smith planned for this Sunday (Oct. 27) includes a long list of

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