
After John MacArthur's Strange Fire Event: 10 Things You May Not Have Known About the Charismatic Mov't

When prominent theologian John MacArthur set off a heated debate in the Christian community about his unfavorable view of the

Plane Crash Arkansas: 2 Dead – Pryor CEO and Wife Killed in Horrific Crash

A deadly plane crash in Arkansas has left two individuals dead on Monday.

Baby Lisa Parents Contact Greece About Mystery 'Maria' Girl Found Living With Roma Couple (PHOTO)

Baby Lisa’s parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, of Kansas City, Miss., have reportedly contacted Greek authorities through their local

Baby Lisa Parents Contact Greece Authorities About Mystery 'Maria' Girl Found Living With Roma Couple (PHOTO)

Baby Lisa’s parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, of Kansas City, Miss., have reportedly contacted Greek authorities through their local

Explosion North Hollywood: Huge Explosion Blows Up Pickup Truck on Miranda Street (VIDEO)

An explosion in North Hollywood has blown the roof off a pickup truck, shocking locals. However, reports have confirmed that

Alligator Snapping Turtle Discovered in Eastern Oregon for First Time (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The first alligator snapping turtle ever found in the wild in eastern Oregon was removed from Prineville Reservoir last week,

Alligator Snapping Turtle Found in Eastern Oregon for First Time (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The first alligator snapping turtle ever found in the wild in eastern Oregon was removed from Prineville Reservoir last week,

Thief Returns Computers to Megachurch With Note Asking For Forgiveness

A thief who stole two laptop computers from a Las Vegas-area megachurch returned the devices the same day with an

Duck Dynasty Slammed for Its Treatment of Animals By PETA

The animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal, (PETA) has criticized the A&E hit reality television show,

10 Ways Diablo Cody's 'Paradise' Mocks Christians as it Flops Hard as a Movie

“Paradise,” a new film with an Oscar-winning cast, written and directed by Diablo Cody, who won an Oscar for writing

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