
If Politics Were a Sport the GOP Would Be The Washington Generals

So the shutdown is over, the Republicans decided to go into victory formation with first and goal on the Democrats

Taxpayers Betrayed by Chicken-Hearted RINO's

American taxpayers have once again been trampled by establishment Republicans – a thundering herd of chicken-hearted Republicans in Name Only

Watch Your Guns Around Obamacare

What does gun control have to do with health care? As odd as it seems, Obamacare contains provisions that jeopardize

God Is Still Not Dead Despite Authors Claims

One of the keynote speakers is Joseph Atwill, author of the book Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus.

Pastor Ron Carpenter Addresses His Confession of Wife's Adultery; 40 Pastors, Including Steven Furtick, Joined Him at Church

South Carolina megachurch Pastor Ron Carpenter, Jr. confessed to his congregation last week that his wife was under psychiatric treatment

Servants by Choice

The apostle Paul would often describe himself as a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ. This isn’t the same as

John MacArthur's Distracting Extremism Regarding Charismatic Mov't at Strange Fire Event (Pt. 1)

MacArthur’s passion for rightly dividing the word of truth is commendable. A huge number of readers – including Pentecostals and

Your Anointing and How to Use It

So what’s the key to living in God’s power? The anointing. The anointing is God’s ability in you to enable

Republican Recriminations

The Fires of Anger

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