
Yeti Bear Connection? Bigfoot Descended From Ancient Polar Bear, According to New Research

The Yeti could be descended from an ancient bear polar, according to a British geneticist, who said Thursday that he

7 Crazy Things That Happened During the Gov't Shutdown

The government shutdown of 2013 — what will we remember most? Let us hope we do not forget these seven

Ex-Gay Group May Pursue Legal Action Against Va. Public Universities Over 'Viewpoint Discrimination'

An ex-gay organization has demanded that public universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia that have LGBTQ resource offices provide a

Watch These Singers Enchant a German Subway Crowd With Ethereal Hymn (VIDEO)

Former NFL Player Turned Pastor, Irving Fryar, and 72-Y-O Mom Indicted in $690K Mortgage Scam

Former NFL player turned pastor, Irving Fryar, and his mother, Allene McGhee,72, were indicted by a grand jury in New

Coptic Christian Refugees Speak Out About Egypt Persecution to Glenn Beck

A group of Egyptian Coptic Christian refugees have warned that their country is “getting closer” to 1930’s Germany in a

Taste of Louisville

The 40th anniversary of Taste of Louisville at Bowman Field.

Taliban-South Korean Hostage Crisis Inspires New Film

A new movie is in the works, based on the story of the 23 South Korean Christian missionaries who were

Evangelical Covenant Church Moves to Welcome Immigrants

As a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church, I am proud that my church is among the evangelical denominations taking

'Strange Fire' Conference: John MacArthur Calls Out Charismatic Movement as 'Unfaithful'

John MacArthur, influential author, pastor and seminary president, has kicked off the Strange Fire conference at his California church this

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