
Pastor Kong Hee Trial Goes on Recess Amid Allegations City Harvest Church Leader Financed Wife's Superstar Career

The trial of Singapore’s popular pastor Kong Hee, who is accused of spending $41 million of church funds on his

Source: NYPD Officer Joined in Beatdown of SUV Driver, Alexian Lien, Who Crushed Biker's Spine in Manhattan Highway Brawl

A seven year veteran of the New York Police Department (NYPD) was allegedly part of the biker party that beat

Is Christian Education an Oxymoron?

The concept of Christian education strikes many as a laughable notion, an oxymoron embraced only by morons. The idea that

Pakistan Muslims Protect Christians From Islamic Extremists, Form Human Chain Around Church

Between 200-300 Pakistani Muslims and Christians gathered to make a human chain around a church in Lahore on Oct. 6,

Why the Salvation Army?

You reach a certain point in your life when the blessings of your life become abundantly apparent, not the least

Pat Robertson Claims Low-Carb Diet 'Violates' God's Principles

A controversial televangelist has recently stated that diets low in carbohydrates are in violation of the principles of God.

NFL Cheerleaders Breast Cancer Awareness: Cheerleaders Join Players, Refs in Wearing Pink at Sunday Football Games (PHOTO)

NFL cheerleaders are helping to promote Breast Cancer Awareness through October, and to do their part they are donning pink

Chicago's New Life Covenant to Serve as Example of Reaching 2nd, 3rd Generation Latinos at Conference

A roundtable forum for Hispanic pastors and leaders focused on reaching second and third generation Latinos in predominantly English-speaking congregations

Justice Scalia Believes in Manners and Eternity

It takes emotional maturity, intellectual honesty, and spiritual dexterity to balance issues as seemingly far removed from one another as

Obstacles to Righteousness

Just because something is natural or “only human” does not mean it’s right or beneficial for us. In fact, we

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