
Star Wars Episode 7 News Update: Movie Cast Rumors Link Saoirse Ronan, Benedict Cumberbatch (Trailer Video)

Star Wars Episode 7 movie cast rumors are continuing to swirl and in the latest news update Saoirse Ronan is

Historic Church Reaches $14.5 Million Deal to Sell Land for New Atlanta Falcons Stadium

Members of the Mount Vernon Baptist church in Atlanta, Ga. voted on a resolution last night to sell their church

Study: Millennials Stay in Churches Focused on Being Relational

While most church leaders in America keep at least one eye toward finding answers to why or why not millennials

Penn. Academic Institute Sued by Transgendered Man Claiming Rights Violation

A transgendered man is suing the University of Pittsburgh, arguing that he was discriminated against due to his gender identity.

5 False Rumors Christians Have Fallen For

Christians have fallen for some of the strangest rumors. Here are five of the most memorable, in no particular order.

Egyptian Christians Enjoy Short Respite From Radical Muslims, but Fear More Retaliation Soon

Since Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown on July 3, his radical supporters have ruled the southern Egyptian city of

Miracle in Elkhart County: Reclusive Businessman Wills $150M Fortune to Community, Now They Have a Plan to Use It

It took more than a year of planning, talking and listening but the people of Elkhart County, Ind., finally have

Sen. Mike Lee: System Is Rigged Against Families With Children

The U.S. government unjustly favors those without children through its system of entitlements and taxation, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) argued

So. Baptist Leader Henry Blackaby, Author of 'Experiencing God,' Is Missing

Urgent prayer requests are being asked for pastor and internationally known author Henry Blackaby, who has been missing since late

German Homeschoolers Reunited With Children That Were Seized by Government

Dirk and Petra Wunderlich were reunited with their children Thursday after they were taken by their German government because the

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