
Best Bet | Kentucky Center Chamber Players to open season

During the past year, the Kentucky Center Chamber Players have worked on some special projects.

Best Bet | JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound

JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound frequently describe themselves as a combination of Otis Redding and The Stooges.

Best Bet | Salsburg to celebrate album release at Greenhaus

Nathan Salsburg is well-liked despite being far too handsome, talented, smart and from Pennsylvania.

5 Bible Verses To Comfort Struggling Singles

In churches that emphasize the importance of marriage and a culture constantly highlighting the joys of sex, single Christians struggle

Venezuelan Gov't to Legally Recognize 15,000 Evangelical Churches

Venezuela’s Ministry of Interior and Justice announced last week that it will take action to accelerate the process of legalizing

Intelligent Design Group Sends Letter to Ind. Academic Institute Protesting Alleged Atheistic Course

A Seattle, Wash.-based group that advocates for Intelligent Design has sent a letter of protest to an Indiana public academic

Reflection From Max Lucado on 9/11: Evil. God. Good.

September 11 has become a day of remembrance for the many trials we have endured as a nation over the

Florida Man Arrested, Charged and Tried for Walking on Wrong Side of Street, Resisting Arrest Without Violence

A Florida man who claims he was assaulted by a local police officer and arrested for walking on the wrong

Egypt Islamists Force Coptic Christians to Pay 'Non-Muslim Submission Tax'

Egyptian Coptic Christians in Dalga have been forced to pay a “submission” tax to the Islamists that have ruled their

5 Photos of '2 Million Bikers to D.C.' That Show American Pride

“2 million bikers are coming to D.C.” and no, there is no Harley convention in town. What could possibly

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